lördag 28 maj 2016

Lilian Bland

Vad får vi lära oss - vad får vi INTE lära oss? 

SA13 har skrivit om kvinnor som varit framstående i historien, men som inte tillåtits vara lika framträdande i läromedel och historieböcker.

Lilian Emily Bland föddes år 1878 i Kent, Irland. Hon uppfostrades av sin moster och kom att bli en utmärkt ryttare som engagerade sig mycket i ett flertal idrotter. Lilian blev även en av världens första kvinnliga journalister och fick stor uppmärksamhet för sina fotografiska kunskaper. Tack vare att Lilian var journalist kom hon i kontakt med flygteknik. Efter att Lilian gjort ett reportage om Louis Blériot och hans flygtur över den engelska kanalen år 1909 blev hon fast. Inspirationen hon fick gav henne styrkan att själv engagera sig inom området. Några månader efter flygturen var hon på plats vid det första brittiska mötet för flygentusiaster. Efter mötet fick Lilian en idé. Hon skulle designa och bygga ett flygplan alldeles själv. Inspirationen till designen på planet fick hon av en fågel som fotat. Flygplanet blev klart sommaren 1910 och döptes till ”Mayfly” som i ”It may fly”. Vid fösta testflygningen fick hon hjälp av några bybor och fyra polismän. Lilian var så koncentrerad på att allting skulle fungera att hon inte ens märkte när planet lämnade marken. Flygturen räckte en hel äng lång. Mayfly gjorde Lilian till den fösta kvinna som designat, byggt och flugit sitt egna plan. I det konservativa Irland under denna tid fick hon stor uppmärksamhet. Hennes pappa var inte nöjd och han blev orolig för familjens rykte. Han köpte därför en Ford till Lilian för att hon skulle släppa flygintresset. Det fungerade i ungefär i ett år innan hon tröttnat på Forden. Istället flyttade Lilian till den kanadensiska västkusten med sin nya make och inledde ännu ett bygge. Denna gång handlade det om ett båtbygge och flygkarriären lades ner för gott. I en intervju år 1966 utryckte sig Lilian "Hur som helst hade jag motbevisat alla som hade sagt att en kvinna inte kunde bygga ett flygplan, och det var enormt tillfredsställande för mig".

Varför ska man lära sig om Lilian Bland? Hon var en kvinna som under tidigt 1900-tal bröt normerna i det konservativa Irland. Lilian var inte bara en av de första kvinnliga journalisterna utan även den allra första kvinnan som designade, byggde och flög sitt egna flygplan. Att en kvinna under denna tid följde sina intressen trots att det gick emot samhället, hade förmodligen en positiv och inspirerande effekt på omgivningen.

Elisabeth Hylén, SA13

Me before You

A heartbreaking yet lovely story

If you want to cry your heart out and smile while doing it, then this might be the book for you. I chose to recommend Me before You because it is one of the few books which has brought me to tears.

Me before you is a sweet story about how friendship and love can change your life. The book revolves around Louise “Lou” Clark. She is in her twenties and still living at home, since her family needs both her support and her income. Her family consists of her confused grandpa, her unemployed father, her mother who takes care of everyone and her older sister, who also has a baby boy.

When Lou loses her job she can see how her life, which already is quite unstable, now will fall apart completely. She desperately needs a job. This is where Will joins the story. Will is a few years older than Lou and bound to a wheelchair. He lost the will to live at the same time as he lost the ability to use his body. Will’s parents decide to hire Lou as his keeper, but in fact it is more because he needs a friend.

At first Lou hates Will. He is negative and do not want to see anything outside his own house. Will himself is not fond of the situation either. Lou is too cheerful and insecure at the same time. But as time goes by they both give each other a chance. They realise that friendship can be found and maybe they will find even more...

I recommend Me before You to anyone who loves romantic novels. The language is easy to understand, even if English not is your first language. It is easy to relate to Lou’s life and it feels good to move your thoughts to the English countryside for a while, where this story takes place. I believe this book will be a modern classic, since it already has spread worldwide.

Jojo Moyes has written several books in the same genre and this summer Me before you will premiere on cinemas all over the world.

Lisa Nordahl. Peer corrected by Wilma Schlömer, and Alma Swärdh. NATE15


“Darkside” by Tom Becker is a children’s novel about two boys named Jonathan and Ricky. They have both difficult lives considering that Jonathan has a very sick father and Ricky has a tough time in school because of the other students is picking on him.
One day, Ricky and Jonathan, ends up in a dark world within London called Darkside. A world full of vampires, werewolves, thieves, murderers and famous characters like Jack the ripper.

Ricky and Jonathan are both rare to the darksiders for being “half darksiders - half lightsiders” and they are being haunted by a bounty hunter from Darkside. During the time in Darkside they are trying to figure out their problems that they’ve caused, and how to get back to their real world.

I found this book very breath taking and very detailed explained which made it easy to picture the environment and situation the characters experienced. I recommend this book to first of all young teenagers but also adults, and specially to those who likes classic fantasy stories. I found this book quite easy to read and as earlier mentioned it was very detailed explained and that made it more interesting.

The book also had a very good structure considering that you first get to read a bit about Ricky and after Jonathan and how they manage to get into Darkside etc. But basically two stories told, and then see how these two stories ends up into one when Jonathan and Ricky first meet each other within Darkside and together trying to cooperate to get out of Darkside safe.

The good story encourages me to keep on reading this book. The characters felt real and was well introduced. I liked how the characters change later in the story for example how Ricky first seemed very insecure and at the end being more daring. Same goes with the werewolf Carnegie who did not care to much about Jonathan in the beginning but finds out that he knows Jonathan’s father and then takes on the responsibility of Jonathan because he thinks he have to. But during the time with each other Carnegie starts to grow quite fond of him instead.

I’d give this book 4 out of 5. It was not perfect and some parts were a bit predictable, but still a very good book worth reading.

Axel Andersson. Peer corrected by Cecilia Hamstedius, Nils Axelsson, Filip Stenegren, and Lovisa Edblad. NATE15

fredag 27 maj 2016

Karolina Widerström

Vad får vi lära oss - vad får vi INTE lära oss? 

SA13 har skrivit om kvinnor som varit framstående i historien, men som inte tillåtits vara lika framträdande i läromedel och historieböcker.

Karolina Lina Olivia Widerström föddes den 10 december 1856 i Helsingborg. År 1888 blev Karolina Sveriges första kvinnliga legitimerade läkare. Veterinären och gymnastikläraren Otto Fredrik Widerström och Olivia Erika Dillén var Karolinas föräldrar och hon var deras enda barn.

Familjen flyttade år 1873 till Stockholm. Karolinas far velade att hon skulle gå i hans fotspår genom att bli gymnastiklärare. Så mellan åren 1873 till 1875 gick hon på Gymnastiska Centralinstitutet. Vintern 1875 till 1876 fick hon chansen att vara assistent till professor Lars Gabriel Branting som försökte övertala henne till att studera medicin och läkare. Hon blev snabbt intresserad och bytte därför inriktning 23 år gammal (1879) tog hon studenten på Wallinska skolan i Stockholm. Hon pluggade medicin i Uppsala och fortsatte sedan på Karolinska institutet och blev år 1888 Sveriges första kvinnliga legitimerade läkare.

Widerström var en riktig kvinnorättskämpe som var mycket aktiv i politiska och sociala frågor angående sexualupplysning och hon engagerade sig i många viktiga föreningar. Hon satt bland annat i Stockholms stadsfullmäktige för de frisinnade. Hon var även ordförande i Kvinnliga akademikers förening samt för Landsföreningen för kvinnans politiska rösträtt. Karolina vela att kvinnor skulle lära känna sina kroppar bättre och få samma rättigheter som männen.

Eftersom Karolina var så mån om kvinnors rättigheter och kroppar så inriktade hon sin läkarbana på gynekologin. Vid denna tidpunkt var det väldigt få människor som pratade och inriktade sig på kvinnans könsorgan. Därför var det vågat av Karolina att skriva en uppsats om de kvinnliga könsorganen, deras funktioner och deras vanligaste sjukdomar. Det fanns heller ingen möjlighet för kvinnliga läkare att få tjänst på sjukhus så därför startade hon 1889 en egen praktik i Klarakvarteret som blev en enorm framgång. Kvinnorna i staden uppskattade detta och tyckte det var skönt med en kvinna som läkare som kunde förstå dem bättre en manlig läkare. För att hjälpa kvinnor lite extra så införde hon sexualundervisning och år 1897 började hon även föreläsa för vuxna kvinnor. Eftersom man inte kunde annonsera om sådant i tidningarna så såldes biljetterna privat och sexualundervisningarna vart en riktig succé under denna tid. Karolina kämpade för kvinnors rättigheter ända fram tills hon var 93 år gammal då hon dog året 1949.

Elin Jansson, SA13

The Hunger Games

The hunger games is the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy. The books is about the main character Katniss Everdeen who lives with her mother, hers sister Prim and their lazy cat Buttercup in district 12. Her dad died years ago in an accident in a cave. District 12 is a very poor district so Kantiss learnt to shoot with a bow when her dad lived so now when he is dead she is the one who supply the family with food that she hunt down.

Every year shall 1 young woman and 1 man from every district raffled out to compete in the hunger games where only 1 man or woman can walk out alive and everything is direct broadcast live so the districts can see how it goes. It is the 74th year the hunger games is live and Katniss sister Prim was the chosen one but Katniss is getting voluntary instead of Prim together with Peeta the baker’s son.

I think it was very worth to read the book because it has more than only one theme. It got almost everything, from love to action and it’s never a quiet time. It’s happening something everytime and everywhere even outside the game and when you read the book it’s almost like you are a character in the book and you think you know everything about for example Katniss. When you see the cover of the book you don’t really know that there is going to be alot of blood and murder in the book mixed up with love and heartbreaking moments.

The book is definitely a science fiction book mixed up with a lot of drama and some thriller and i think the books story is very unlikely to happend because it’s very unrealistic that the government would like to see young women and men fight for their life only because the government needs to show who is in charge and have the power. Although the book is very unreal I think it’s a very good book and there are 2 more books to read so I look forward to read the other books to because the ending was really exciting and you really want to know how to book will continue.

Aksel Burman. Peer corrected by Kevin Hedberg, Simon Magnusson, and Ahmed Qutati. NATE15

Girl Missing

This book is about a little girl called Martha Lauren. Lauren was originally from America and kidnapped from her biological parents by a women called Sonia, when she was three years old. Afterwards she was adopted by a Londoner family. As soon as Lauren she grew up, started asking questions about her birth family, however her adoptive parents told her that she is not entitled to know, who her parents were due to her closed adoption.

As a result of that Lauren decided to find her real parents by any means without any help from her adoptive parents. But she instead asked a helping hand her close friend Jam. Both Lauren and Jam traveled to America to get to know who Laurens' real parents were. There in America Jam and Lauren got hosted by Sonia several times. Sonia tried to kill the teens every chance she got but fortunately they got a helping hand from an outsider.

This book is one of Sophie McKenzie’s best books ever and it won lot of awards in 2007 and 2008. Some memorable awards are Manchester Book 7award, Red House Children’s book for Older Readers and more. This novel is most interesting book I have ever read and it is also very easy to read. I feel this book is suitable for anyone who can read English. This thriller is for you if you are somebody who wants to know about love, friendship, how adopted child may think or what they may do. So do not wait go, grab the book and enjoy reading it.

Abdala Mohamed. Peer corrected by Aho Miro. NATE15